Al Aker Sweets Souq Waqif i Doha

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QatarAl Aker Sweets Souq Waqif



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Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 7092 7288
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Latitude: 25.2868027, Longitude: 51.5328774

Kommentar 5

  • Sai Sudarshan

    Sai Sudarshan


    Located in Souq Wagif. Near Zatar we Zeit. Very good dessert spread Try their signature Kunafa, and a chocolate variety of the same. They sell a QAR25 mixed option. You can choose from their spread and I can safely say that they are rich in taste. ******Heavenly taste**** Some of the sweets are too sweet, and you can complement that with a good coffee (without sugar) and they actually go well. Maybe just my taste buds, but I found this combo good. ** If my review matches your experience, kindly vote accordingly *** *** If not, let me know if you had a different experience ****

  • Cicero Furini

    Cicero Furini


    Ask for a crispy kunafa (a soft or crispy pastry filled with white cheese and soaked in syrup)

  • sw

    Jujin Abiertas


    the best kunafa ever! 😄😊

  • Khalid Alhajri

    Khalid Alhajri


    I love this sweets it’s typical you have to try it . They also offer free bottle of water with each plate . Have a sweet time 😍

  • Haseeb Mirza

    Haseeb Mirza


    A good palce to sit with your friends have a nice conversation and eat the best Konafa in the country with a cup of Tea. The service quality was good even in the rush hours the tables were cleaned by the time a customer leaves.

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