Al Marouf Bakery i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarAl Marouf Bakery



🕗 åbningstider

Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 5552 3448
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Latitude: 25.2893609, Longitude: 51.5329395

Kommentar 5

  • ru

    Кирилл Мальчугин


    Очень вкусные недорогие лепешки👍👍👍

  • en

    مها المطاوعة


  • en

    Dafne MR


    Excellent place for breakfast or a snack. Go there before 10:30 am or after 3pm. My recommendation is the mince and the zataar covered bread. It is like a chapati with a crispy bottom. They don't sell coffee or tea here. Only bread. They have a good variety of flavours that they add on top of the bread. Both savoury and sweet. You can either order at any of the two windows on the sides or grab one of the blue tables nearby and seat. Someone will come to you. But better look at the images on the window and order there. After you eat your bread you can walk to any of the cafes nearby. My favourite is the bread with Zataar, that is thyme and sesame seeds. All bread is freshly made.

  • K N

    K N


    Nice small bakery with tasty products nearby historical center of Doha. Worth to try. Prices are quite low, staff is friendly and helpful.

  • en



    Nice local bakery, low prices, good place for a quick snack.

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