Al Mourouj Inn Hotel i Doha

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QatarAl Mourouj Inn Hotel


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Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4442 2426
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Latitude: 25.2871834, Longitude: 51.5472524

Kommentar 5

  • en

    Taofiki Salimonu Auwa


    although the room is 100 QAR per day, but their service is not up to the expectation.

  • Aslah Rahman

    Aslah Rahman



  • en

    omar hatem


    Very very bad hotel , actually its the worst hotel i evey seen( there is pest and a lot of bad think there like the service is very poor and there was no internet either) . At the end my advice to you don't even think to go there . Peace

  • Pedro Matesanz

    Pedro Matesanz


    Total scam and lack of professionalism. Arriving in the middle of the night, they don't have any idea of how to manage online bookings, so they couldn't find mine even I was there with it printed. With an online booking already confirmed, the hotel was fully booked and all they could say was "go somewhere else". It was 3am and stranded in Doha thanks to the uselessness of the receptionist who, by the way, was not friendly at all. To strongly avoid

  • en

    Alma Inigo


    Worst hotel i have ever been. I would't recommend it at all. The receptionist calles Nazmul was very rude

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