Al Shefa Polyclinic i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarAl Shefa Polyclinic



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Hilal D-Ring Road Opposite Of Lulu Hypermarket شارع مقابل لولو هايبرماركت المطار، Doha, Katar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4408 9888
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Latitude: 25.2549635, Longitude: 51.5435504

Kommentar 5

  • en

    Consolata Lugadiru


    The staff are very friendly and welcoming The doctors are into details and approachable keep up the good job i really appreciate . Consolata

  • Mohammed Rasheed Hashmi أبو الهدى

    Mohammed Rasheed Hashmi أبو الهدى


    Good services

  • mustafa butt

    mustafa butt


    Excellent services and great pediatric care. Doctor checked in detail and professionalism and refferals and sick report and quick to get referred medication. Pharmacy is well stocked a variety of kids medications. Better that having to wait long at pediatric emergency!

  • en

    Nihad Edjalla


    I went and had a cosmetic procedures for my teeth, I'm satisfied with DR Uzma Desai who was really careful with each detail

  • Shanmugaraj V

    Shanmugaraj V


    Bad response at Reception. Took long time to meet doctor. Doctor itself confused to describe about health. I went there for regular pregnancy checkup for my wife. After Ultrasound scan, doctor said its 6th week. Then we surprised, because 2 weeks ago only we checked in other hospital in Europe and they said that time it was 6th week. Then we ask doctor again which week, then she said sorry its 8th week, i confused. Not giving scan report. Charge is more for blood test.

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