Alison Nelson's Chocolate Bar i Doha

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QatarAlison Nelson's Chocolate Bar



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Porto Arabia Drive, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4409 5236
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Latitude: 25.3656101, Longitude: 51.5408455

Kommentar 5

  • Maulana Kurniawansyah

    Maulana Kurniawansyah


    Chocolate fondue was nice. Salmon bagel and lasagna were alright. Maybe we should order more chocolate menu items?

  • Hany Saber

    Hany Saber


    Really I like this place but I have rated it one star because of the service. In the last year some of the staff members has been changed but unfortunately for the worsening. Last weekend I have visited the place with my family to have some desserts, normally we are using Entertainer vouchers for the last four or five years but this time they have rejected the vouchers and the Manager said that they are not accepting Entertainer vouchers for the last six months which is not true as I went there on December 2018 from four months which means that this Manager is not saying true words. Really I have shocked in dealing with this guy, he is extremely different than all the people who are working in all restaurants in Qatar. He doesn’t know the rules of his duty in dealing with customers, He was scornful of my words. Anyway I will not visit this place again because of service.

  • Paul Wood

    Paul Wood


    Lots of chocolate (and other lovely stuff). Very relaxed atmosphere. The staff are very attentive, with little or no time to wait.

  • Med Abderrahmene

    Med Abderrahmene


    A friendly team, a perfect view, tasty food and drinks. What else one needs

  • Leslie Pelayo

    Leslie Pelayo


    love this restaurant you can relax and enjoy , foods was tasty especially focacia sandwich . thank errol for your lovely and smiley service.

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