Aster Medical Centre- Al Ghanim i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarAster Medical Centre- Al Ghanim



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Behind New world Centre, Opp MRA Restuarant, Al Tahi, Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4444 0499
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Latitude: 25.2802146, Longitude: 51.5367846

Kommentar 5

  • Darwin Peter

    Darwin Peter


    i suggest Dr. Mariambi Hassan

  • Hamsa Koyappathodi

    Hamsa Koyappathodi


    I has been visiting this clinic from last one year. Dr. Anand Induchoodan is my family dentist. He is the skilled dentist i have ever been visited. Thanks for Aster

  • Rakib ul hasan

    Rakib ul hasan


    They have few branches around qatar, this is the good one among them

  • Gireesh Marar

    Gireesh Marar


    This clinic is situating behind Al Watan Centre in bank street, Doha. I would highly recommend the clinic to my friends, colleagues and relatives for all dental problems. It is my wife who referred me to visit to their clinic. I was hesitant at first because it is the smallest clinic of Aster in Qatar. But when I visited the clinic I was amazed, the quality of their service is highly commendable. Dr. Anand Induchoodan is really a good doctor. I have been to many dentists before and we haven't met anyone so nice and skilled dentist like him. He will make you feel comfortable and relax in his clinic and his staffs are friendly and approachable too. We're so glad that he is our family dentist now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • KPK Muhammed

    KPK Muhammed


    Thank you Aster for your free medical camps. I checked free kidney function test from Aster Clinic in Sanaya last week. I also registered for free checkups on health day. Thanks again for your humanitarian efforts.

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