Bandar Aden Restaurant i Doha

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QatarBandar Aden Restaurant



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Abdullah Bin Jassim Street, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4437 5503
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Latitude: 25.2894958, Longitude: 51.5328738

Kommentar 5

  • debbie chou

    debbie chou


    Have visited this cosy little dining place numerous times I really can’t find a proper word to describe how much I am in love with it. You can find various Yemeni dishes all at low and very reasonable prices on the menu, and I’ve tried many and none of these let me down. And another thing worth mentioning is the great services of the employees. Well, in short, my romantic relationship with Bandar Aden will keep going and hopefully you drop in the next time you are in the souq and I am sure you’ll love it too.

  • Umer Javaid

    Umer Javaid


    I have been here during my transit in Doha and i can say that i had the most delicious Mandi Dish of my life here

  • Hussam elshamy

    Hussam elshamy


    Very good food soo tasty and nice place nice people specially Mr. Karem

  • en

    Nurein Said


    I d recommend the zerbiyan rice. The meat is soft and had the right flavour. Affordable too!

  • Gudarz Gudarzian

    Gudarz Gudarzian


    It was a good inexpensive place which i call them normally as dirty food. So delicious and nice environment but you might not like the degree of cleanness of place which I think is part of the characteristic and I love it. Food was just like home made and yummy.

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