Blue Diamond Mobile Car Wash, Polish and Car Cleaning i Doha

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QatarBlue Diamond Mobile Car Wash, Polish and Car Cleaning



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Al Matar Street 310، Building 43, Umm Ghuwailina، Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4444 2126
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Latitude: 25.274749, Longitude: 51.541855

Kommentar 5

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    Sheikh Rifat Hossain


    Not that great, very lazy workers. If u have any spots and other paint spots on your car I recommend not to use there services. They wont even remove all your stains completely instead they will charge more than the price given on the website saying there is lot of work so u need to pay extra. They came to polish my car at 5 and still couldnt finish by 6hrs. They had to come tmrw morning because they dint remove all the stains properly. And it was full car polish interior and exterior, when we asked them why dint you polish the headlights they said each headlights 50riyals. They charge more than what is written in the website

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    Asif Ali


    Blue Diamond are the best car grooming place to give a new look to your car. I was astonished to see the new car look and it as shining like anything. They are excellent in delivering home Services. They don't spoil the area and maintain just clean. Thanks guys..!!

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    Akbar Muhammad


    This is the first time I heard about Blue diamond for car cleaning. When I contacted them and explained my situation. They said they would be visiting me. I am amazed to their services. They work very efficiently. Good staff & my car started working properly after that. I recommend them.

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    Riaz Malik


    I have heard about Blue Diamond for express polish and the quality was great. I never heard they would visit us for car polishing. I contacted them for an appointment but they told not to worry. they will come to my address. They made my car shine and just giving me a new look.Appreciated services guys. Well done.

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    Aleem Syed


    I had my car detailing earlier as well at Blue Diamond Qatar. But I never knew that they would deliver home services. When I said I am busy to deliver the car. They themselves came to my home & restored the shiny first look of my car when I bought it from the showroom.I recommend it. Thank you guys..!!

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