Carbon Wheels i Doha

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QatarCarbon Wheels


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Salwa Road, Doha, QA Catar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4441 9048
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Latitude: 25.2724225, Longitude: 51.5084549

Kommentar 5

  • en

    Ric Talavera


    One of the best bike store in qatar!!!

  • Laurence Ascott

    Laurence Ascott


    Place is no longer in Salwa Rd. But still showing in google maps. Telephone number not working that in on the website.

  • Khaled Nabil

    Khaled Nabil


    It's probably one of the best bicycle shops in Qatar; it has quite a good selection of cycles, parts and maintenance station. However, from my experience, the staff member I dealt with was the utmost unhelpful person on a retail. Anyway, don't let that stop you, the place is cool.

  • Race It

    Race It


    Great prices. Probably the most commonly know bicycle sales shop in Qatar. Great customer after sale services.

  • en

    Ian Wilkinson


    First time to visit Carbon Wheels. They did a superb service on my Trek Domane. It looks and rides like new again after the two hour service. Great shop to browse with some incredible bikes and gear. Best of all is the great staff to talk to. They really do know their job. (nice collection of Tri awards shows they know their stuff too)

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