Commercial Bank of Qatar - Bin Omran Branch البنك التجاري i Doha

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QatarCommercial Bank of Qatar - Bin Omran Branch البنك التجاري



🕗 åbningstider

232 Ahmad Bin Ali Street 35 Fareej Kolaib area، Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4449 5980
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Latitude: 25.314933, Longitude: 51.494904

Kommentar 5

  • Hazem Hamwi

    Hazem Hamwi


    The worst customer care ever , I always have my financial work done through CBQ branches around Qatar , every time I go to this branch the gentleman behind the counter has an attitude, when greeting him he answer with yes , when asking him about any thing he won't answer and if he answer he do so with a nod , the others who work at the same branch has a wonderful attitude. Not him though. Avoid him if you go there . I think he is the only man from the Philippines who work there and does not have any manner.

  • Mohamed Irfan

    Mohamed Irfan


    Enough ATM Machines Available here

  • Medoo Gaper

    Medoo Gaper


    بنك مميز جدا جدا جدا

  • olly pearce

    olly pearce


    Nice bank, usually quiet. Staff tried to help me with something I Needed (past statements for tax return), but couldn't give me copies. In the end I wasted an hour there, then printed them off online banking. Not the most efficient. The staff didn't seem to even know what tax year/returns are.

  • Abo Ahmed

    Abo Ahmed


    جميل جدا هذا المكان

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