Copthorne Hotel Doha i Doha

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QatarCopthorne Hotel Doha


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Airport Road, doha, Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4449 3333
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Latitude: 25.2744744, Longitude: 51.5421009

Kommentar 5

  • Maria Seminara

    Maria Seminara


    Excellent price for room. Beautiful hotel., very clean. The Food is delicious and the staff is the most friendly and helpful staff I've ever encountered in a hotel. If you've got a long layover in n Qatar. I highly recommend you book a room here. Put a bathing suit in your carry on for the hot tub and pool!

  • Celal Izler

    Celal Izler


    Good hotel. Service and breakfast is ok. Internet good working. Airport and centre very closed

  • Bethwel Chumba

    Bethwel Chumba


    The place is magnanimous, actually I found it a good place to work because all the staff are friendly and caring. The hotel is silent and it was located in an easy access to the main road. I can complement that I found this place home away from home.

  • Анастасия Ромащенко

    Анастасия Ромащенко


    Отличный отель, осталась абсолютно довольна. Персонал на лучшем уровне. Комфортная комната с отличным видом, очень удобной кроватью, исправно работающим кондиционером. Хорошо оборудованный спортзал и сауна. WiFi слабый, но это отличительная черта всей Дохи, а не отдельного отеля. Рекомендую

  • en

    Vijay Singh


    Old but charming, lacks maintenance, needs renovation. plumbing in the room I stayed was bad, tap won't work, bath tub drain plug won't stay in place.

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