Costa Coffee كوستا i Al Wakrah

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QatarCosta Coffee كوستا



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Al Wakra Main Street, Al Wakrah, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4498 6921
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Latitude: 25.1688184, Longitude: 51.6070788

Kommentar 5

  • Cristian Stefanescu

    Cristian Stefanescu


    People are friendly, coffee is good. Smoking area needs more ventilation.

  • Kỳ Châu Minh

    Kỳ Châu Minh


    24hrs you can stay at there. You can do your personel work, such as study, working, chatting, ... without any complaint.

  • en

    Wadah Yasean


    What can I say? Everyone love a bit of costa.

  • Renjith P V

    Renjith P V


    Very good service. So many variety of food, hot beverage items to select from and their coffee tastes very well. The shop is quite big in size and from there you have a good view of the souq waqif opposite to it. Lot of seating arrangements also there , and price is also reasonable.

  • Mr.Mourad Alansari

    Mr.Mourad Alansari


    Fantastic coffee Good as usually. Great coffee and many delicious deserts with friendly stuff. Fast service with lovely smiling. Various options about coffee that all will be satisfied. Very quiet place with low music as you can drink your coffee in a good environment. You can working with your labtop here. You must take this experience to be able to return to your work refreshed. For smokers there's a smoking area.

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