Doha Toys Town i Doha

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QatarDoha Toys Town



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Ibn Al Jawzi Street, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4442 4550
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Latitude: 25.2826413, Longitude: 51.5455847

Kommentar 5

  • Golam Agam Manik

    Golam Agam Manik


    This is Big amusement /recreation place situated 1st floor of this building for kids , here various kinds of rides , game zone are available , i saw many family members are enjoying with kids , kids were very happy , evening time it was very crowds, but many more facilities are not available, there are no lift /escalator , no wheel chair accessible park/ entrance, wash room also not sufficient satisfactory ,

  • en

    Mohammed Jibran


    Nice collection

  • Nyein Chan Phyo Wai

    Nyein Chan Phyo Wai


    If you have kids,it can make happy.

  • Freduah-Agyeman Amofa

    Freduah-Agyeman Amofa


    Doha Toys Town has a comprehensive and urban toys to play with. Children of all ages get toys to play with. From computer games to electronic horses and any toy you would love your children to play with. There's a washroom and a mosque. And price is moderate for all working class of parents who would want to send their kids there. It is a nice place to supplement your children energy for toys and games they already have in their homes.

  • 2JRlz



    Still the cheapest place.. I hav been here 20 years ago still the columbus stays in the same place 😊

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