Dr Aju's Clinic, Mental Health Clinic & Counselling Centre i Doha

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QatarDr Aju's Clinic, Mental Health Clinic & Counselling Centre



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Al Mashaf Street, Doha, QA Katar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4436 5051
Internet side: www.drajusclinic.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 25.267652, Longitude: 51.49269

Kommentar 5

  • en

    Shameem T


    Dr. Aju is an excellent doctor. I would say, he is the one and only Reliable doctor in Doha whom you can go to for any psychological or psychiatric issues. He is very helpful, friendly and extremely professional. Whatever issue you have, trust me its normal! There is nothing to be ashamed of. When you have a headache or any aches, you take pain killers as a treatment. Similarly, any issues with your mind needs to be treated as well. Accept it and trust the doctor !!

  • en

    Carrie DuPont


    We came from the U.S. and we received better care from Dr Anju than we did in the U.S. Dr. Anju is very knowledgeable and also very kind. I am a mental health professional myself, in the U.S. and I can confirm, without reservation that Dr. Anju is the best choice in Qatar.

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    Andre Fuller


    With my visits to Dr. Aju his reception personnel are always friendly and helpful. Dr. Aju assisted in establishing the correct medication and therefor improved my health. He is a professional I would recommend to anybody seeking good advise and professional service. I wish doctor and his staff a very bright future. Andre Fuller

  • รαbєєя



    I was very pleased with the service I received during my Counselling. Every visit was very excellent. Everyone was very courteous and pleasant and very helpful in every way. Staff was very friendly and helpful. Dr. Aju is wonderful. It’s nice to have someone take time to listen and care . Thank you

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    Prakash Lewis


    Dr. Aju’s clinic helped me to come out from my anxiety and stress related issues. Dr. Aju Abraham’s vast experience and solution oriented approach helped me to balance my emotions. He listened to me with a great patience. He speaks in a friendly way that you feel so comfortable telling her your issues. Also he referred me to a psychologist to attend counselling sessions. I am very satisfied with the services provided by this clinic.

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