Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Salwa Road, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4444 6331
Internet side: www.elnaael.com
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Latitude: 25.2697743, Longitude: 51.5058382

Kommentar 5

  • Sandra Livingstone

    Sandra Livingstone


    I've been taking my Rexton to this company for 8 years. The prices are very high compared to other mechanics; however, I would hope at least that I'm getting original SsangYong parts. Staff are very friendly and helpful, and they have provided me with a vehicle when mine had to stay for a few days. It is unfortunate they are closed on Thursday afternoon as I've been stranded all weekend due to not being able to get my vehicle seen until Saturday! I've also had my vehicle towed there after hours and there was no one on security to allow my car to be put inside the gate, so it had to remain out on the street and I had to throw my keys on the ground over the gate so they could get them when they opened the next day.

  • Fife Anegie

    Fife Anegie


    I've been in Doha for 3 years. My first car was a Kia. The service center at best deserved 3 stars. They seemed to take their time and prices were ridiculously inflated. Coming from Korea, it drove me crazy seeing these prices. So, I sold it and bought a Toyota FJ Cruiser because parts and service are exceptionally cheaper. With that said, for a second car, for the wife, I looked for a Korean car... again. I saw that Ssangyongs are cheap and took the risk. I bought a 2007 Rexton with 100k. I called the center and they immediately gave me all the info about the car and hand-delivered parts I needed. Then, when I had a problem with the propeller shaft, they gave me parts and service at such a fair price. The car is what it is; a used, cheap car. However, the service and center is superb. Aneesh and Ahmed are the two you will talk to. Amazing pair.

  • AGA Haneez

    AGA Haneez


    Reasonable rent a car and good customer care support

  • F Woo

    F Woo


    Superb :)

  • en



    Good service friendly staffs

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