General Takaful Co. - Head Office i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarGeneral Takaful Co. - Head Office



🕗 åbningstider

C Ring Road, Doha, QA Catar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4433 9777
Internet side:
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Latitude: 25.26305, Longitude: 51.52283

Kommentar 5

  • Ahmed Farouk

    Ahmed Farouk


    Insurance with an Islamic Vision General Takaful is a national company that has served the insurance needs of individuals and businesses since 2008 on the basis of cooperation in accordance with the principles of Islamic and Shariaa General Takaful has set a clear and fundamental purpose to provide Sharia’a compliant, ethical, innovative, unique and comprehensive Islamic insurance products that support growing needs of the State of Qatar economy and the GCC.  Tailor our coverage and services deliver innovative efficient ways to prevent or reduce Losses and to effectively manage them when they occur

  • en

    Hamad Saud


    Reliable insurance company. This location has ample dedicated parking and the service is fairly quick.

  • en

    yahya Elwakil


    First time to deal with them can not reflect real services

  • en

    Kunjali Walker


    Very good service. No delay. Staff's are cooperative and helpful. I like to advise others to join with them. But Online registration is not available in their website.

  • Woody



    Worst service i have ever got.. task = to renew my car insurance (something in Europe which is done 5 minutes online), i have been been hung up on, i have been transferred and line goes dead, the operator i have asked 10 times now that she keeps transferring me to a dead line.. i have been trying 5 days to renew my car insurance now and still no where near... very bad service, and scares me to think what would happen if i needed to make a claim or had a problem. not one to complain, but terrible service.

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