Gourmet House i الدوحة

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QatarGourmet House



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Kempinski Residences & Suites, Doha, الدوحة، Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4405 3326
Internet side: www.kempinski.com
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Latitude: 25.328509, Longitude: 51.5309193

Kommentar 5

  • Serdar Karabas

    Serdar Karabas


  • Rahim Rain

    Rahim Rain


  • Tobias Meier

    Tobias Meier


    Very good German bread rolls. Very delicious.and reasonable prices.

  • John Stamper

    John Stamper


    If you want to get your day off to a shambolic start and feel the need for anger-management therapy...come to "Gourmet House". Food is pretty decent, but the service is utterly shocking. "Inept" barely covers it. Staff frequently forget the order or bring out something incomplete or completely different...eventually. If you ask for cold milk with tea they'll either forget or bring you hot milk. Cracking performance today...ordered an omelette without any meat in it...yep, you guessed it; it arrived after 30 minutes ("Oh, sorry sir, I forgot."), it's stuffed with chunks of the delight that is turkey ham. They insist on bringing another one...but once again full of meat. Seriously. Why do I still come here? Definition of "insanity"? No, simply the fact that there's virtually nowhere else. #eat_in

  • Jonatan Lorber

    Jonatan Lorber


    3 stars is more than enough. I'm disappointed. Ordered a spinach muffin which looks like a spinach muffin for sure but did not taste a bit of spinach... some money lost here. I also ordered a chocolate brownie... how to say that? Should be retitled double sugar brownie. Seriously, it does not taste chocolate at all... thanks for the massive dose of added sugar in it, plus a poor quality topping. I think you've got it... I won't go there twice. -- In addition, you will find sandwiches, a large variety of breads, which seems interesting for those consumming bread. It is possible to take away to. -- The place looks nice, calm, on the side of the lobby.

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