Grand HyperMarket i Umm Salal Muhammed

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarGrand HyperMarket


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Umm Salal Muhammed, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4472 7824
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Latitude: 25.3957535, Longitude: 51.430108

Kommentar 5

  • Durgham Touqan

    Durgham Touqan


    Very poor place, smell is terrible, quality of products in 2nd floor is very low. Not recommended

  • en

    Md Ajad Alam


    I am Costmer off Grand hypermarket more than 5 year N they are very good care of Costmerd

  • imon akaah

    imon akaah


    Cheap and best item you can find there

  • MD Tafshir Uddin

    MD Tafshir Uddin


    Its a good shopping centre located in karatiyat very good service and good parking system very secured and safe for shopping

  • Golam Agam Manik

    Golam Agam Manik


    Big shopping 🛒 mall and combinations of many different types of products here most of products from foreign country some Qatari products also available , two storied shopping 🛒 mall top 🔝 floor are departmental products and ground floor are various kinds of vegetables, fruits and daily requirements foods 🍲, elevator, customer service, wash room, facilities are there also several ATM 🏧 is there,

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