Home Center i Doha

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QatarHome Center



🕗 åbningstider

Al Shamal Road, Doha, QA Catar
Kontakter telefon: +974 800 4663
Internet side: www2.homecentre.com
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Latitude: 25.2804054, Longitude: 51.5224918

Kommentar 5

  • M. Murtaza Qureshi

    M. Murtaza Qureshi


    Home Center's own brand makes good stuff in reasonable price. I bought a tea set with ethnic Qatari design. This store also carries typical American and European brands. So I definitely recommend if you are looking to fill your home with a variety.

  • en

    sanitha xavier


    The prices on the stuffs here are mainly meant for Qataris. Middle incomed expats can visit the place during OFFER season, if they want to atleast consider purchasing any stuff from here. Mostly items here are from China and rarely from Dubai, India as well. Anyways good place to do a 'Window shopping'.

  • Jerry O'Brien

    Jerry O'Brien


    Love shopping here. Very good quality in household items and furniture. Everything from garden furniture, bedroom, living room to bathroom. Limited in electrical items but lamps available. Good selection of sheets, pillow covers and duvets available. Helpful friendly staff.

  • Rakib ul hasan

    Rakib ul hasan


    This is the place that u can get any kind of home decoration products..... This is the best market to shop for home. Decoration..... Exiting news is this is under center point so that whatever you buy you will get shukran points. .... YOU just need to register and get the shukran card. Its absolutely free....

  • en

    Ibrahim Ozen


    The store is nice and everything is great untill you actually buy a product and it breaks. We bought an electric chair and it doesn’t work after 2 months. After 1 week of constant calling they came to check it out. The mechanic took a photo of the chair and left. We have been waiting for 2 weeks to get a call back. NOT RECOMMENDED, BUY FROM IKEA THEY HAVE EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE.

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