Ibn al-Qayyim Bookstore and Printing Press مكتبة ابن القيم i Doha

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QatarIbn al-Qayyim Bookstore and Printing Press مكتبة ابن القيم



🕗 åbningstider

Khalifa Street, Doha, QA Catar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4487 3533
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 25.3218, Longitude: 51.488555

Kommentar 5

  • en

    nOoR ibRahim


    It's a two storey bookstore with alot of variety. Prices are a bit high but quality is good

  • Jifry Issadeen

    Jifry Issadeen


    Compared to the Jareer bookstore, prices are reasonable. Most of the stationary items are available but they still need to consider adding more stuff according to customer need. More friendly cashiers can make this place even better

  • Khaled Kassab

    Khaled Kassab


    The worst place I have ever visit and I will never come again. Not friendly staff at all!

  • en

    Hassan Raza


    Amazing place for school supplies and gifts. But they currently don't wrap gifts. Items are pretty reasonably priced.

  • Zaher Ghoussaini

    Zaher Ghoussaini


    Good bookstore with variety of stationary and office items. Their prices are slightly lower than those of competitors in Qatar. Customer support was not very present though.

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