InterContinental Doha - The City i Doha

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QatarInterContinental Doha - The City



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West Bay, Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4015 8888
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Latitude: 25.3266184, Longitude: 51.5248421

Kommentar 5

  • en

    Rovely Alajami


    It was a relaxing stay. We booked 1 night for a change and I can say that the room was so nice and the view are fantastic to relax for a while. Staff are friendly and very accomodating. We surely come back again to stay.

  • Matthew Cox

    Matthew Cox


    5 star-rated hotel gets 5 stars. How surprising! Place is really nice, great restaurants, service, etc

  • en

    Dan Mayer


    All facilities and features as you'd expect. Excellent customer service from staff. Would be nice to have a proper size and indoor pool (more than about 10 lockers would help in changing room too!)

  • Tom Foxton

    Tom Foxton


    Very nice hotel of true 5-star standard. Pool on the roof is beautiful and soaked in sun, making long Qatar Airways layovers much more enjoyable!

  • Adeel Khan

    Adeel Khan


    Everything about the Intercontinental is fantastic. Right from the location to the services, everything is perfect. The reception was super friendly and checked us in speedily. The room was spacious and the view was something to write home about. They have all the amenities you can ask for and the in room dining was delicious. Our stay was short and we therefore couldn't visit the hotel's many restaurants but we'll definitely be returning again on our next trip.

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