Losail International Race Circuit i لوسيل

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QatarLosail International Race Circuit


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Al Wusail, North Relief Road, لوسيل, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4472 9151
Internet side: www.circuitlosail.com
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Latitude: 25.486109, Longitude: 51.4527794

Kommentar 5

  • Glen Noronhs

    Glen Noronhs


    My first circuit. And my 1st motogp experience. An amazing place. Right in the heart of the desert. Ample of parking place. Food stalls and clean bathrooms. There view is too good.

  • Adel Sadighi

    Adel Sadighi


    A beautiful circuit. The only circuit in the world that holds races during the night.

  • en

    Ghanim Alsulaiti


    What a nice place on any event car, bike, motocross, karting. Every Tuesday for ladies Wednesday for all open track for cycling, running, and more for all. Also for disable peoples they can workout.

  • Tracey Gough

    Tracey Gough


    This was a dream come true especially for my husband who is a biker too. Absolutely WOW experience in every way....from the welcome in to the crowd. Highly recommended.

  • David Hvass

    David Hvass


    Great moments. The circuit organizer just needs to realise that people book and pay in advance for tickets for the simple reason that they want the tickets...in advance and not on race weekend! Why on earth book and pay in advance if you cannot collect until race weekend?

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