Oryx Rotana Doha i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarOryx Rotana Doha



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Al Matar Street, Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4402 3333
Internet side: www.rotana.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 25.2679709, Longitude: 51.5541227

Kommentar 5

  • Felix Daniel

    Felix Daniel


    It is close to Hamad International Airport, and so conveniently located. We used this hotel on our way from KL Malaysia. Have best rooms and employees very punctual especially when they have to wake up call a guest. Did not have time to taste their meals due to a long overnight flight that leave us no other option than napping. Architecture is modern hotel and attractive. Keep it up Oryx.

  • Ivan Davidovic

    Ivan Davidovic


    Wonderful hotel. Great accommodation, all rooms equipped with everything you need, up top shaving kit as well. Friendly staff smiling to you wherever they see you and ask if you need anything. Definitely would recommend to everyone who wants to get all what he wants for paid stay!!

  • Brad Stoops

    Brad Stoops


    Excellent service, kind staff, nice room, great shower. Also several dining options within the hotel as well as a Starbucks a block away (open 24 hours). The only negative was that the ATM was not functioning. We ended up finding one next to Starbucks. Transfer to/ from the airport was easy, and a taxi to the corniche was quick and cheap.

  • da

    Thomas Wilhelmsen


    Var forbi til en enkelt overnatning.... Rigtig høj standard synes jeg, mange gode og fine restauranter...

  • Rico Hasenkam

    Rico Hasenkam


    Lækkert hotel

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