Pakistan Education Centre i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarPakistan Education Centre


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Doha, Catar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4468 1840
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Latitude: 25.2316134, Longitude: 51.5015394

Kommentar 5

  • en

    Taufeeq Dost


    First of all pis reception lady staff need to learn some manners.because she dont know how to talk.tell her to respect human bieng

  • en

    Salem Gul


    The staff are very bad they are not cooperative specially KG section Madam that day I call she was very angry and in the end she don't want to listen to me and she close the line on my face really very bad attitude

  • Rehman Ali

    Rehman Ali


    Quality education at very low cost perfect experienced staff. School building is best in Doha for vast play grounds. Management off course needs basic overhauling. School name is Pakistan International School PIS not PEC.

  • huda tariq

    huda tariq


    I study here and the best teaching's but not well rules

  • Ahmed Khan

    Ahmed Khan


    Good and experienced staff. The school is good for misers and has low quality buses. The students are rowdy and immoral . Just remember 1 thing be nice to teachers otherwise u r no worth here..;) . Its a good school for ur education but bad for morality.

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