Qatar Inbound Tours i الدوحة

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QatarQatar Inbound Tours



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Waqif, 23095, Souq Waqif, Souq Asiri, الدوحة، Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 5553 1002
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Latitude: 25.2880012, Longitude: 51.5326017

Kommentar 5

  • Julian Bahamon

    Julian Bahamon


    Great experience. Ibrahim Afridi is a very friendly and knowledgeable driver. Would recommend to anyone visiting Doha to go with them.

  • Jan Krzak

    Jan Krzak


    Beautiful views and excellent service. Yesterday we had a wonderful trip to the desert. Beautiful and vey hot day with a temperature well above 40 °. Excellent care of our guide and a wonderful driver in one person, Mr. Omar with impressive and amazing driving skills. He cared for us all the time and read us very carefully for how much adrenaline he can give us during the trip. We did not even realize that it would give us so much joy. Many Thank’s to our wonderful driver Mr. Omar for a great day.

  • Joyieventure



    The itenerary that we have is so great. Everythings is perfect. Timing. Everything. Our driver named fariz is so professional and accomodating. Definetly a five star for us. He make sure we will enjoy it from camel ride, sand dunes, tea, from saudi boarderline he assure that we enjoyed and we feel comfortable. I will book again here.

  • Dinesh Antony

    Dinesh Antony


    It was a wonderful service.Thanks to our driver Salim who was well experienced,very friendly& helpful through over the trip.The most amazing part of the trip is dune bushing. my kids & family enjoyed lot. Highly recommended...

  • Santha ITMART.LK

    Santha ITMART.LK


    Awesome trip. These people make your trip amazing. Skilled,trained and professional drivers are undeniably brave and can drive through any sand dune. They drift and slide through sand, and take you to the Qatar-Saudi border. Love it

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