Rayan Rent A Car - ريان لتأجير السيارات i Doha

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QatarRayan Rent A Car - ريان لتأجير السيارات



🕗 åbningstider

Najma Street, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 7054 4943
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 25.2747292, Longitude: 51.5370208

Kommentar 5

  • en

    Mohamed Hammous


  • en

    emad bakeer


    Nice and good price cars

  • rafat abid

    rafat abid


    طاقم العمل تعامل جيييد

  • en

    Irene Kirera


    Very bad experience with this rent company. I asked to be given a good car as I am a woman and I didn't need mechanical issues. I was given a mistubishi. It's the middle of June summer and the car AC does not work. I called and asked for replacement and told to only pick another car next day. Explanation given...the car has a known mechanical issue. So why give out the car in the first place. So Ave paid for a days that I can't use and definately no talk of compensation for the inconvinience. Instead since I was desperate I went to the mechanics and got that sorted out,f from my pocket.They didn't offer to pick the car but instead received a text message to pick another car the next day. How about an apology call and check up what you can do. Their staff can't even understand proper English so even giving them instructions to pick the car was just a headache. Never using them again. Cheap is expensive in the long run.

  • Asfaq Mohamed

    Asfaq Mohamed


    Worst place to rent a car, No emergency service and office closed, worst place all time

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