Retaj Royale Doha i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarRetaj Royale Doha


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Al Meena Street, Old Salata، Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4402 3222
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Latitude: 25.288687, Longitude: 51.543343

Kommentar 5

  • Jamshad kunikkadan

    Jamshad kunikkadan


    Located in Doha's Al Dafna business district, Retaj Al Rayyan 4-star hotel offers views of the Arabian Gulf and West Bay district

  • Muhiddin Ergüneş

    Muhiddin Ergüneş


    Kampanyalı fiyatı çok uygundu. Oda geniş ve ferahtı. Konumunun merkezi olması en büyük avantajı. Fakat hizmette biraz sıkıntı var. Ama yine de tercih edilebilir

  • de

    Heike Wruck


    Gehobener Standard. Guter Service. Nette Belegschaft

  • Trotting Horse

    Trotting Horse


    Staff service was great. The design of the hotel lobby and room is good and I can see much is given to quality yet attention to minor details are lacking. My room cannot be locked from the inside as the latch on the door looked as though it was ripped off. I didn’t change room as I arrived almost 2am and was too tired to change room after having to go down to reception to as for help as room key didn’t work after I checked in. I was told the room key doesn’t work when it was late. Not sure how late though so there is a time set to it. When I turned off the master light to sleep, the power plugs electricity were off as well so my handphone and devices didn’t get charged. This is kind of inconvenient. The great plus point was they allow late check out up till 5pm if you have a good reason, like late flight.

  • Farhan Bukhari

    Farhan Bukhari


    Good place and nice rooms. Staff was attentive and professional. Really liked the front desk people. Good selection of breakfast and room service menu was also good. TV was not tuned and had handful of local channels in poor quality video. Water heating system was not effective and no information was provided how to turn in the water heater, AC temperature or coffee maker. The safe also was not working and was locked and would not open. In short nice place but amenities were below average.

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