Royal Thai Lady Spa i Doha

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QatarRoyal Thai Lady Spa



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Villa No.1 Al Waab Street, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4414 2400
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Latitude: 25.2716318, Longitude: 51.481998

Kommentar 5

  • Razeenah Waja

    Razeenah Waja


    Great prices, professional staff and always a wonderful experience.

  • Tina Barrett

    Tina Barrett


    Great service, fabulous price, outstanding massages

  • Kate Reynolds

    Kate Reynolds


    A wonderful place for a massage. Very relaxing atmosphere.

  • dillyjanjan



    I came to this spa for a Thai body scrub. It was such a fantastic experience. When you enter you are greeted by friendly staff. Of course, this is nothing new in Qatar. They take your shoes and quickly you are ushered into a cosy room to prepare for your massage. My masseuse, whose name I can't remember, was so friendly. I had no idea I would have to get 100% undressed for this massage. She made me feel so comfortable. It was really fantastic. After you take a shower, get dressed and they have a nice, hot cup of tea waiting for you with your shoes outside. This was a great spa experience and I see why they are one of the highest rated Spas in Qatar.

  • Huda Gehani

    Huda Gehani


    The Spa is clean and the staff are welcoming. I had my massage in a small room, there was no AC but as it was December this was fine, maybe in the summer it would be a problem. The lady who completed my massage was very friendly and discrete. She kept asking if I was comfortable. Her fingers were strong and she worked quickly over my body. I could feel the knots in my back relaxing as she worked. She massaged my whole body lifting and supporting my limbs as she worked on them. My massage was 1 hour, she was attentive throughout. Unfortunately there are NO SHOWER facilities. My sister in law and I were both extremely happy with our massages, I felt the staff were very experienced and knowledgeable. I will definitely return. Price is very good.

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