Skin & Soul (Men) i Doha

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QatarSkin & Soul (Men)



🕗 åbningstider

Lagoona Mall، Doha, Catar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4441 2712
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Latitude: 25.3755928, Longitude: 51.5242481

Kommentar 5

  • en

    A Kumar


    Horrible service. My leg wasnt even moisturised after a pedicure. The place was clean when they opened in 2012 now its dirty and shabby with service to match. Never going back! To make matters worse, they dont accept cards

  • en

    Joy Joy


    Very bad experience and I was a regular customer ! When nobody is there to watch them the team ( mainly Filipinos) are awful ! Don t go there service is bad and anywhere else will be better !

  • Teejan Nasr

    Teejan Nasr


    I called them on a busy day and when the rest were full so I thought I'll try them out since they are close by, when I went to lagoona they don't know how to give me directions and kept passing the phone to each other. The seri ice I wanted was mani pedi shellac and when I asked on the phone they said it's 170 for hands and 180 for feet which should total to 360 but at the check out the girl asked me for 390 I was in a hurry so I had to leave. I did the shellac on Wednesday and it's coming off on Monday (not even a week passed). I would not recommend it!

  • en

    Sam S


    Not all that great:-(.. Quite disappointing actually considering their prices once you take on multiple treatments and products.

  • en

    Robin L


    Not very expansive for Doha (80 QAR haircut, 20 QAR shampoo). Friendly staff, professional. To sum up, good experience even if I would have prefered the shampoo to be included in the 80 QAR...

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