Souq Waqif i Doha

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QatarSouq Waqif


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Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974
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Latitude: 25.2912323, Longitude: 51.5323286

Kommentar 5

  • Anjellica Resuta

    Anjellica Resuta


    Souq waqif,,, is Nice,,, When I go there I'm really exited to see around because there is to much people and you can see everything,,, ☺☺☺




    Nice souq. So many markets.. Bird market is super. Some time there is exhibition and Sale for special items like honey ,dates ..etc Nice views...

  • Shahab Quadri

    Shahab Quadri


    One of the nice place in Qatar which I use to go on weekends bases. I see there lot of new things and good food. Shopping, food, dancing, hookah, visiting, enjoying and lot more thing you can do in souq waqif. I like the way when people smile and ask what can I help you sir. Once should visit such place to make their mind Clam and Cool. Visit now Souq Waqif for good photos...........

  • sandeep kumar

    sandeep kumar


    Traditional bazar and cultural place. I was amazed by the beauty of this place. You can by souvenirs from here. Eat some traditional Qatari food and shop Qatari antiques. Best time to visit is in evening. You'll experience a lot unique things in local restaurants, fan design, chairs. You can exchange currency there if you haven't already converted your currency to Qatari riyal.

  • Sudarshan Murthy K

    Sudarshan Murthy K


    Doha's rich culture a tradition can be seen here. Drop down here for good dates, nice aromatic wood, honey and traditional swords with other Heritage items. Good food court, Hardly any vegetarian stuff in them. Nice place to be. Very close to the coast. Nice white beach.

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