Starbucks i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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المطار القديم, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4435 0712
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Latitude: 25.270735, Longitude: 51.509187

Kommentar 5

  • A AM

    A AM


    Its like any other starbucks. But, most seats dont have a power outlet, the free wi-fi is terrible, keeps disconnecting and even when its connected the speed is terrible. The AC duct is too close to the seats

  • khalid ali

    khalid ali


    It's a prefect choice for Coffey lovers

  • Bernadett Caparic

    Bernadett Caparic


    I bought my tumbler 120qr today November 21, 2018 around 8:15am in Starbucks Old airport branch (Ooredoo building). Upon checking when i arrived in office the tumbler has some rashes and dent. I went back to change it but they refused because their reason is I don’t have receipt. In the first place the cashier didn’t give me any receipt when I bought my tumbler. She just gave me the paper bag and i thought the receipt is inside. Now, I have this tumbler with rashes and dent for 120qr! What a waste of money because of their stupid cashier!😡😡😡 I’m a regular customer in this branch but I’m sorry to say that I will not visit this branch again. Or worse, any Starbucks branch here in Doha.😡

  • ibrahim Al-jundi

    ibrahim Al-jundi


    For the 3rd month they are facing issues with a/c in the upper floor

  • S



    My favourite coffee place ..Love the service the taste and the price

Nærmeste Cafe

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