The Torch Doha i Doha

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QatarThe Torch Doha



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Al Waab Street, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4446 5600
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Latitude: 25.2625071, Longitude: 51.4449043

Kommentar 5

  • Dilliram Bhandari

    Dilliram Bhandari


    An iconic, cylindrical, 300-metre tower with panoramic views of Doha, it’s located in the city’s sport zone, Aspire Zone, and connected by a walkway to Villaggio Mall. Rooms are fully automated with iPad custom-built software controlling curtains, mood lighting and room service. It offers two gyms and a Wellness menu and doesn’t serve alcohol. On the 47th floor is the Three Sixty revolving restaurant, while The Flying Carpet has a ceiling covered with oriental carpets. The Tea Garden with its grass ceiling and eclectic furnishings is my favourite and is often used for local photo shoots. Another interesting feature is the outdoor swimming pool on the 19th floor, which sticks out like a lip from the side of the building. Go and have a look if you’re in the area. Ask for a room that overlooks the stadium, not Villaggio Mall.

  • Moza Al Naemi

    Moza Al Naemi


    The building and the views and service were great, however the food requires a bit more to be desired. It wasn't bad, but nothing memorable either.

  • Pawan Bhardwaj

    Pawan Bhardwaj


    Aspire Tower, also known as The Torch Doha, is a 300-metre-tall (980 ft) skyscraper hotel located in the Aspire Zone complex in Doha, Qatar. Designed by architect Hadi Simaan and AREP and engineer Ove Arup and Partners, the tower served as the focal point for the 15th Asian Games hosted by Qatar in December 2006. The tower is currently the tallest structure and building in Doha and Qatar, but it will be surpassed by the Dubai Towers Doha, and the Barwa Tower when either project is completed. The tower has also been known as Khalifa Sports Tower or Doha Olympic Tower.

  • Nafish Alam

    Nafish Alam


    At 300m high and with 360° panoramic views across the whole of Doha, THE TORCH is haven for the discerning traveller be they sports enthusiasts, business leaders or health and wellness seekers.With state-of-the-art sporting, leisure and spa facilities at its feet THE TORCH DOHA is fashioned to the finest International standards at the centre of Aspire Zone,Doha’s vibrant Sports City. THE TORCH DOHA is a beacon of luxury and wellbeing offering a true 5-star experience. The hotel features 163 modern rooms and suites equipped with iPad in-room solution, three signature restaurants including a breathtaking revolving restaurant, a state-of-the-art business centre and numerous fitness and leisure facilities. Aspire Zone is the triumphant symbol of Qatar’s sporting heritage. Spread over a 250 hectare site, the city has been designed to attract local and International users alike. Sitting at the very heart of the Aspire Zone, the hotel offers exclusive access to some of the finest business, leisure and sports rehabilitation facilities. With its personal touch and exclusive service THE TORCH DOHA awaits you to explore a new era of Qatari hospitality.

  • en

    Khaled Matar


    Stayed one night at this hotel. Good and clean rooms with fancy features. View of the room is not nice because of the design of the building. Breakfast is not special. Once in a lifetime

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