Wok N Walk i Doha

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QatarWok N Walk



🕗 åbningstider

Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4431 6226
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Latitude: 25.2734303, Longitude: 51.5235276

Kommentar 5

  • raminder singh

    raminder singh


    Rating only for the food... Dine in not recommended with family.

  • Abhishek Koshta

    Abhishek Koshta


    Ok... To have quick food

  • Sahil Kad

    Sahil Kad


    I have tried the food on three different occasions... (Am brand new in Doha) and it's simply amazing. If you have ever been to Mumbai India and have loved the local take on Chinese food there, then this is what you are going to Love in Doha. From what I have been told these guys have been doing a super job for about last 04 years or so. The staff is super friendly and helpful. The place is very clean and neat and the food quality is also up to the mark. True to it's name u have to walk after eating there, cause the taste and quantity is just so good that u will end up over eating.

  • en

    shifaa samad


    The food is supposedly not Chinese good at all. Better opt for a cafeteria Chinese cuisine.

  • S B

    S B


    Tried for the 1st time with a take away. Friendly Staffs and Food was very good. Especially the Chilly Garlic Beef.

Nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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