Woqod Petrol Station i Mesaieed

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QatarWoqod Petrol Station



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Mesaieed, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4021 7777
Internet side: www.woqod.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 24.975312, Longitude: 51.5389165

Kommentar 5

  • Ahmed Farouk

    Ahmed Farouk


    Provide all customers with reliable, professional and innovative solutions through friendly, excellent and convenient services.   To demonstrate accountability for all our activities.   To achieve our Vision and Mission, we will train and develop competencies across the organization to enable us to demonstrate that we axcel at what we do in the region. WOQOD is also introducing new and advanced technology to minimize our impact on the environment.   We will achieve 50% Qatarization by end of 2018.   Minimizing our impact on the environment will be achieved through the introduction of new technologies not yet seen in the region.

  • Abdul Ummer

    Abdul Ummer


    A perfect stop and refresh for auto and human😀

  • Renjith P V

    Renjith P V


    Fast and good service.You will get different services like fueling, car washing, car servicing, Tyre changing etc and can have small shopping as there is a small super market Sidra. Only cash payment is accepted. Few restaurants are also functional at there where you can have dine during your vehicle servicing. As there is no any other gas stations in mesaieed city most of the riders to and from mesaieed prefers this outlet. Another woqod outlet is located at mesaieed industrial area which is approximately 5 kms from mesaieed city.

  • k venkat

    k venkat


    It's good and well trust petrol bunk in Doha Qatar

  • Rennie George

    Rennie George


    Fuel station, fast food and rest rooms.

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