عيادة التجميل للدكتور كمال حسين صالح #شفط الدهون#تكبير#الثدي#المؤخرة#تجميل#الانف#البطن#الوجه i Doha

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Qatarعيادة التجميل للدكتور كمال حسين صالح #شفط الدهون#تكبير#الثدي#المؤخرة#تجميل#الانف#البطن#الوجه



🕗 åbningstider

Najma Street, Doha, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 5574 2973
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 25.2593766, Longitude: 51.5376789

Kommentar 5

  • Laila roberts

    Laila roberts


    do you do hymenoplasty and how much

  • siciid abdiraxmaan maxamed

    siciid abdiraxmaan maxamed


    I rated 3 but i can rate 5 but i want for mare info about one of plastic surgery for you can u give me

  • Jalal Alasdi

    Jalal Alasdi


    I have worked with Dr.Kamal for many years, he is very honest doctor and person, he cares for his patients, and he has a good experience in plastic surgery with many researches and medical papers, he has a big number of patients not only from Qatar but from all Gulf region and all that because of his great reputation and skills .

  • rama lakkis

    rama lakkis


    Dr kamal really big thanks I did many time Botox in your clinic The result was excellent and really he s the best Plastic surgery in Doha , he care about patient need ,he advice the patient and make the patient feeling great Every time i went to your clinic , i get i great result I advice every one to go and visit dr Kamal saleh in his clinic Thanks dr Kamal 😊

  • Afsaneh Borna

    Afsaneh Borna


    very good surgeon very good services for liposuction-laser treatments-botox injection -rhinoplasty-in doha and in dubai

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