Al Corniche Harbour i Doha

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QatarAl Corniche Harbour



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Corniche Street, Doha, QA Katar
Kontakter telefon: +974
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Latitude: 25.2950159, Longitude: 51.5355922

Kommentar 5

  • Ranjith Kizhakoodan Rajan

    Ranjith Kizhakoodan Rajan


    This part of corniche nice to visit in evening , its true generally with all along Corniche side . If you like Photography and need to take night or evening long exposure , yes guys this is place for you to shoot . If you go in summer evening , you feel very humid and unpleasant . Generally this is good spot in the evening for a walk and chat with loved ones.

  • Khurram Riaz

    Khurram Riaz


    a great place to catch a but of fresh air by the seaside and enjoy Doha's skyline view

  • Shas Oman

    Shas Oman


    One of the well maintained corniche i have ever seen in the middle east .. very nice place for friends & family gathering .. Also excellent routes for evening walks and jogging in the morning.. old fashioned harbour also awesome.. dont miss fresh air in your weekends. definitely it will give you wonderful mind relaxing experience :)

  • Shaker Ali

    Shaker Ali


    Nice place to think how you are growing older everyday :D and how your life is letting you down.

  • Faisal Alawadhi

    Faisal Alawadhi


    The most fun I had with my family. It has an amazing view from the harbour towards Doha City. Then we decided to go get a closer look at the Bay. We rented one of the many traditional boats docked there. It was an inexpensive but fun half-hour cruise around Doha Bay.

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