Avenues Dental Center i Abu Hamour, Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarAvenues Dental Center



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Al Wakra Main St, Abu Hamour, Doha, QA Katar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4481 8112
Internet side: www.avenuesdental.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 25.2371366, Longitude: 51.4996657

Kommentar 5

  • en

    fathima m


    Good clinic Dentists are very expert Affordable rates I recommend

  • algerian virus

    algerian virus


    A very good dental center with skilled dentists and friendly receptionists. I really liked it

  • en

    Regina Reg


    good set of doctors and very good admin staffs especially hiba syed who was very much helpful in guiding us to the concerned doctors. very good service . . keep it up

  • en

    Yahia Zakaria


    A very good dental center with skilled dentists and friendly receptionists. They manage bookings and set reminding phone calls before each appointment. Many thanks for Ms.Hiba as she is very helpful regarding confirming or changing appointments and answering all inquiries.

  • en

    Tim Trott


    This is an amazing dental center with wonderfully attentive and pleasant staff. The receptionists are polite, helpful and curteous. The dentists are again well mannered and have so far bent over backwards to make my experience better. In times of need they have jumped up and been counted. The orthodontist is excellent, however he is only present for one week a month. This has not been an issue and has in no way hindered the level of care or practice. He’s a credit to the profession, his expertise is obvious. Bang for your buck, great value and a dental center I’d strongly recommend to friends and family alike.

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