Banana Island Resort Doha by Anantara i Doha

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QatarBanana Island Resort Doha by Anantara



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23919، Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4040 5050
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Latitude: 25.298019, Longitude: 51.6406456

Kommentar 5

  • Durette Cawood

    Durette Cawood


    Loved every moment. Very classy, clean and neat resort with the most friendly and helpful staff. The gardens and facilities are stunning. I would recommend a visit to anyone and wouldn't hesitate to go there again.

  • Lorelie Alarte

    Lorelie Alarte


    Amazing beach & pool resort, clean and not crowded! They provide large beach towels, plenty of shower and changing rooms, nice restaurants, and awesome boat transfers. Definitely worth coming back! 😊

  • Razeenah Waja

    Razeenah Waja


    Amazing weekend with the family. The breakfast buffet was lovely and catered to the tastes of all. Slightly pricey in general, but worth every penny. There are also a wide range of activities to keep all family members occupied.

  • Mel N

    Mel N


    Have to visit this place when in Qatar. Fun boat trip from Doha to Banana Island. I love this place, it's the best in Qatar. They have really awesome activities, including bowling and some water sports. The restaurants serve amazing international cuisine

  • Anthony Frazier

    Anthony Frazier


    Amazing food. Amazing staff. Amazing location. Sucks we went on a very windy day. Will definitely be back for sure!

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