Desert Safari Doha | Inland Sea Tours i Doha

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QatarDesert Safari Doha | Inland Sea Tours



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La Villa Building Old Salata، Doha, Katar
Kontakter telefon: +974 5569 4194
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Latitude: 25.2859514, Longitude: 51.5388935

Kommentar 5

  • Sung Mun Yeom

    Sung Mun Yeom


    The Doha, Qatar desert is still very "untouched" due to the low population and visitors in Doha, unlike the Dubai desert tours. I had the privilege of doing both desert tours in Dubai and Doha but the differences are: 1. Dubai desert is very littered; there is a lot of trash on the desert due to the high amount of tourists. I spend most of my time picking up and collecting litter than to absorb the scenery. 2. Sea/Ocean; almost towards the end of the Doha desert safari, you reach a point where the desert meets the sea. There are no toilets/bathrooms when on this tour so please be sure to prepare for a half day trip. Depending on how many people are in your group, you will often have to share a car with strangers. Overall the trip is definitely worth doing. It is affordable and is a half day worth of activity. You can catch the sunset in the desert and have an amazing experience. Personal opinion is that this tour is much better than the Dubai one.




    It was an amazing experience... We were picked up from our home on time and driven out to the desert, the guide Aref was very friendly, and warm blood, and very informative along the way and was happy to answer any questions we had. The pony (by our little princess) and camel riding were amazing and we were able to take lots of pictures and videos and then driving on the sand which was incredible, again more photos were taken by our guide which was really nice of him. The driving over the dunes was an amazing experience followed by the opportunity to ride quad bikes over the sand. I was really pleased with the value for money and would thoroughly recommend this company& guide Aref for everyone.

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    saqib nawaz


    Very good experience. It is much better than Dubai safari as it includes Sea and Saudia border. Staff was very pleasant and friendly. Timing and punctuality was also awesome. I will suggest everybody to do it once in Qatar.

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    Javed Khan


    I'm very glad to have picked this tour over others, the price was great and the locations were very picturesque. The customer service given was excellent and catered to what ever you wanted to do. A highly recommended tour with great drivers included.

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    Donna Ford


    My Friend Suggest Me To Come Doha Once It's Really A Awesome Place Everything Available Which I Want Heritage Place, Desert Adventures, Night Fun & World Class Infrastructure. It's Really Amazing Place. Country Was New For Me & I Was Afraid To Hire Any Travel Agency Due To My Previous Experience With Other But Inland Sea Tours Really A Good Travel Agency They Made This Trip Unforgettable. Thanks You Desert Safari Doha Team Highly Recommended To Travel With Them

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