Doha Fellowship i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Doha, Catar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4436 1283
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Latitude: 25.2711512, Longitude: 51.4811983

Kommentar 5

  • Amy Farn

    Amy Farn


    I've been coming here since I first came to Doha two years ago... Since then God has blessed me with such an amazing group of people that I can call my family in Doha... I strongly recommend you to go for an open home where you get to bond, fellowship with other brothers and sisters 😀 Worship is amazing! And preaching is based on the Bible and atm we are 60+ nations congregated in one place worshipping God! Praise the Lord👐

  • muganzi aiden

    muganzi aiden


    Doha fellowship is God-breathed. Located near Al Waab Petrol station and behind Al Sadd stadium, the place is very calm. Easily accessible by road means (buses 301, 304, 31) or karwa taxi.

  • o'brien Mutule

    o'brien Mutule


    Great worship team and really nourishing and challenging message by the pastor

  • Vinny MO

    Vinny MO


    Indeed Oasis for all nation awesome place to meet people of God

  • en

    Lydiam Irusen


    Great place to worship. People are friendly and supportive.

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