Embassy of Bangladesh i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarEmbassy of Bangladesh



🕗 åbningstider

Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4467 1927
Internet side: bdembassydoha.org
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Latitude: 25.25042, Longitude: 51.5128032

Kommentar 5

  • Saiful Islam

    Saiful Islam


    5 rating only For the respect of nationalism ! Otherwise they should change there service quality.All the very best 🇧🇩

  • Saleem Sayed

    Saleem Sayed


    Need to replace staffs who's working currently in some counters &they think they are Ambassidor not staffs themself. They are here to guide us for correction not to show attitude and make themselfs as the G.M of Bangladesh Embassy. People who visit with us they notice those things and says us is it your Embassy who doesn't know how to talk with their own people.

  • Mahir Hossan

    Mahir Hossan


    Very good

  • أبو رحمة عمير ABU RAHMAH OMAYR

    أبو رحمة عمير ABU RAHMAH OMAYR


    এমন ফালতু সার্ভিস অন্য কোনো এম্বসির আছে কিনা আমি জানিনা, মনে হয় সবাই খুবই বাজে স্বভাবের মানুষ। একটা লোকও আন্তরিক নয়।

  • en

    Toslim Hossain Ratul


    Embassy of BANGLADESH 🇧🇩 in Doha🇶🇦 seems to be just OK. Should have been organised little more Must make token system and while people waiting they need sitting area. Anyway a big Thanks from Bangladesh and Good luck..

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