Family Food Centre Al Rayyan i Ar Rayyan

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QatarFamily Food Centre Al Rayyan



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Al Rayyan Al Jadeed Street, Ar Rayyan, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4481 1456
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Latitude: 25.298521, Longitude: 51.443653

Kommentar 5

  • Aashish Y Dave

    Aashish Y Dave


    Great place to buy yr daily needs

  • Muruga Raj

    Muruga Raj


    Can get fresh fruits and vegetables of all varieties from many countries

  • Hasan Siddiqui

    Hasan Siddiqui


    It is my local supermarket which has a nice family feel to it so that women can shop without being stared and looked unlike many of the other stores in Doha. I enjoy hearing the Quran on which makes my shopping experience more peaceful As for the prices, they are reasonable for most products and the meat is also of variety and fairly priced. The only thing I have noticed is that some of the fruits are not always fresh Lastly, the store has an old look and feel to it and really needs refurbishment to make it look more bright and welcoming like Carrefour

  • Marina Fernandes

    Marina Fernandes


    The worst family food centre. Terrible service, quality of food n veggies is poor. Lay out is bad too.

  • Paul Wood

    Paul Wood


    One of the oldest grocery store chains in Doha. Always our last resort when you can't find what you need. This store has it all. It has been cut off from the outside world by years of road works and construction until recently. Once again my go to store for the exotic and run-of-the-mill grocery items. Very helpful staff and always fresh produce.

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