Fifty One East i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarFifty One East



🕗 åbningstider

Lagoona Mall، Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4436 1111
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Latitude: 25.375315, Longitude: 51.524473

Kommentar 5

  • Tareq Madanat

    Tareq Madanat


    Good department store but overpriced items even during sale

  • en

    Nishan Anurada


    This is where I get my musical instruments. Friendly staff and you can find many things from here like cloths, cosmetics, electronics and etc.

  • Belal Dahham

    Belal Dahham


    Great place many options

  • en

    g p


    Huge store for a lot of the worlds most recognisable and desirable brands.

  • en

    Ian Setiawan


    Was about going to the Fifthy One East night of 1/19, 2018, the security guy, African man was stopped/not allowed me to enter the store. Im 48 years old, Asian tourist from/live in Toronto and I carried LV and have 2 shopping bags of Versace with me that night on my hand. I think that was a stupid and racist of the security guy! If you hired a person working for a luxurious store like Fifthy One East, you have to training and educate your employee about luxurious brands and treat who ever walking to your store with respect! I travel and shopp more that 100 countries, never ever had some stupid security guy stop/not allowed me to enter store. At the end, not trying to be arrogant; how much is the security guy salary a month? It must be less than my one LV bag....

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