Grand Hamad Stadion i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarGrand Hamad Stadion


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Doha, Katar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4467 3666
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Latitude: 25.2587189, Longitude: 51.5205929

Kommentar 5

  • Glitter Force

    Glitter Force


    Place is very accessible and not crowded .. hope there would be another coffee shop nearby for more choices of food after work out.. 😊

  • satyabrat patra

    satyabrat patra


    Very good stadium with a good lighting facility. Walkable distance from Al-Muntazha. Its near to C-Ring Road and the joint road from C-Ring Road and D-Ring Road in front of holliday villa. Near one park is there to roam and one more stadium is there for your daily work outs. Parking facility is available.

  • Verlina Rodriguez

    Verlina Rodriguez


    I was there 4 days ago and my first time to stepped-in to Al Arabi Sports Club. It is a advisable for concert and big events. It is a very good location, near to all places and very accessible. Facilities are good and security too. Very good and recommendable if you are planning for Big events. VSR

  • Kotni Patro

    Kotni Patro


    Very nice ground with facilities like, handball court, swimming, football, basketball, running track, restaurant, gymnastics facilities etc are available. Very clam area . Good for sports activities. Ample parking space. Good lighting available at evening time. The restaurant white Lilly is also good. Good place to go sports activities.

  • Soud Abdulaziz

    Soud Abdulaziz


    Nice studium

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