IKEA Qatar i أم صلال محمد

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QatarIKEA Qatar



🕗 åbningstider

253, Al Shamal Road, أم صلال محمد, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4406 2555
Internet side: www.ikea.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 25.3874513, Longitude: 51.4392298

Kommentar 5

  • Kaye Samantha Espiritu

    Kaye Samantha Espiritu


    Whether you're there to buy or to just check things around, you'll go home satisfied. They have cheap, affordable prices there with a great quality. And when we say "high quality", the items are made of strong materials and durable as well. The showcase rooms keep you interested and not bored at all because of the welcoming atmosphere as if you're at home. If you have kids, you can just let them play at their playing center near the entrance so that you could enjoy shopping at IKEA.

  • en

    Meg Sta Maria


    Had a good experience with their Lost and Found. My daughter left her bag at the restaurant 2 months ago and the staff was still able to retrieve it. The staff, Nancy, was very helpful. So if ever you left anything at IKEA check the lost and found out, they might still have it. I saw in their log that they do have a bunch of lost stuff stored, like bottles, toys, etc. Though it is easier for them to find an item when you know the date when you lost it.

  • rajeev pullagura

    rajeev pullagura


    Huge showroom. Before going to shop have an idea what you want. Go to the online store, check out stuff and then go to the store. Will save to hell lot of time. Setting up stuff at home is simple but time consuming and fun. So definitely try that out. They have a restaurant that is pretty decent for a meal at the end of your shopping.

  • Mouri Rahman

    Mouri Rahman


    Great service and good quality furniture. I love shopping for homeware and furniture here. Just make sure you dress warm while inside as it's freezing temperatures on the ground floor. The dining section has some great meals for good prices. Love their fish and chips too.

  • Christy George

    Christy George



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