Indian Islamic Association of Qatar i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarIndian Islamic Association of Qatar



🕗 åbningstider

Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 3128 9701
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 25.2657331, Longitude: 51.5285108

Kommentar 5

  • asfahan muhamed

    asfahan muhamed


    Islamic cultural

  • Said Nagy

    Said Nagy


  • Tarek Shames el dine

    Tarek Shames el dine


  • Syed Js

    Syed Js


    Asak, This is Asgar from Doha, I had been to Umrah with family from 22 Feb to 04 Mar 2017, it was a very good experience overall when compared to my earlier experiences with various other organizations. 1. It is well disciplined association. 2. Starting with Mr. Naseer the coordinator who played an excellent role in arranging excellent transportation and accommodation at both venues. 3. The in-house training classes by Mr Naseer and Learned Ameer Mr. Ashraf Ali, which trained the first timers and refreshed others. 4. The transportation, again excellent with receptive driver. 5. The Ameer, learned Mr. ASHRAF ALI (PR director of islamic college in Kerala). He was CRUX of the whole Umrah tour, keeping people together, continually updating with the islamic events required to understand Umrah, Haj, Namaaz and Islam. 6. The Amir was well supported by two learned guides one in Mecca and one in Madina. 7. The Ameer conducting QUIZ competition during return journey from the topics held during the training, his lectures enroute, the guides lectures, the participants experiences, the islamic events. 8. Finally, the feed back gathering held on 10 Mar 2017 at IIAQ with lunch and prizes for QUIZ winners Tks and Rgds Asgar

  • jaseem naji

    jaseem naji


Nærmeste Moske

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