InterContinental Doha i الدوحة

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QatarInterContinental Doha



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Al Isteqlal Road, West Bay Lagoon, Doha, الدوحة، Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4484 4444
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Latitude: 25.348674, Longitude: 51.529957

Kommentar 5

  • Ahmed Shawki

    Ahmed Shawki


    I was invited to attend my son graduation ceremony so l only see the hotel lobby and the ceremony hall. The hotel is very luxurious and simple at the same time. I had a dinner there and the food was also perfectly prepared. Very nice short experience.

  • Daniel Hellström

    Daniel Hellström


    A really great hotel! Excellent service and food. The staffs are always smiling and helpful everywhere.

  • Elaine Daly

    Elaine Daly


    I love this hotel! The most comfortable pillow I’ve ever slept on! Great pool and beach area to spend the day

  • Paul Wood

    Paul Wood


    The hotel with something for everyone. A great beach and pool complex, great restaurants, great bars and health club. The first hotel on this stretch of the coast. It has expanded and added facilities to deal with the larger St Regis appearing next door. The staff are friendly and helpful. The conference facilities are very good.

  • Clare Dagnall

    Clare Dagnall


    Spa is heavenly. Such great service. Hotel room nicely appointed. Really comfy beds. Nice breakfast. Beautiful location 😊😊

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