La Varenne - French Brasserie i Doha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QatarLa Varenne - French Brasserie



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28th floor, Tornado Tower, West Bay, Doha, Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4499 0680
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Latitude: 25.3193559, Longitude: 51.5279037

Kommentar 5

  • en

    Nasr eddine CHARCHARI


    As confirmed by reception, this restaurant is closed permanently now and they don't have any idea when it's gonna open again.

  • Kombizz Kashani

    Kombizz Kashani


    good delicious French cuisine with other tasty food serves here.

  • Bilal Ahmed

    Bilal Ahmed


    Very stylish and embient restaurant. The breakfast was great. Service was top class and very speedy.

  • en

    Xavier Andreani


    The restaurant used to have Alcohol, they do not anymore ! They used to serve French butter, they do not anymore ! What made this place a good French restaurant has been taken away, it is now without interest! A simple restaurant in Doha with nothing special 😔

  • Andrew McDonald

    Andrew McDonald


    Came here on a nice Friday night out with my wife. We had a reservation at 7 pm so thought to be about 10 minutes early to find the location etc. Well we weren't able to go up until 7 pm so there was no need to be a little early - even by a few minutes. Once we were upstairs the setting was very nice - however is was a little chilling so bring something a little warm to have around your shoulders. The meal was excellent - we both took the french onion soup and the duck breast. The soup was very good - but the duck breast was exceptional. The sides were very good as well, potatoes and broccoli. All were done to a great temperature and each part was flavorful. I think that we will be returning here in the new year! Visited December 2014

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