Lagoona Mall i الدوحة

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QatarLagoona Mall



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66, West Bay Lagoon Street, الدوحة, QA Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974 4433 5555
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Latitude: 25.376052, Longitude: 51.524729

Kommentar 5

  • Virginia Pascual

    Virginia Pascual


    Its a bit far from my place but if you are looking a quite mall where the crowd of people is not that much, must visit this mall. They have some cheap clothes/items, they even have food court and nice cinema.

  • lorideth bombeo

    lorideth bombeo


    Wide variety of brands available here... some you won't find in other malls... Place is not crowded. Ambience is relaxing.... Ideal for slow-paced shopping. Enjoy! 😁

  • Nasser Marzook

    Nasser Marzook


    A great mall with all your shopping needs. The stores are a bit towards the high end, so don’t expect to find many cheap things over here. There are several restaurants but no food court. There’s a high end cinema with higher than average ticket prices. There’s plenty of parking.

  • Erick Muthama

    Erick Muthama


    Awesome architectural design. It's easy to spot it a mile away!. It's a great hub of alot of great shops inside. It's next to 51 East and Rolex outlet is just next to it. It's an awesome mall and has great lighting inside.

  • Amal Mandhora

    Amal Mandhora


    The Aladdin Live Show held for kids was great. Amazing talent and effects. Enjoyed it with our child. Lagoona Mall has ample seating arrangment which is good for those who need a break from walking.

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