MIA Park i Doha

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QatarMIA Park


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MIA Park, Doha, Qatar
Kontakter telefon: +974
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Latitude: 25.2951703, Longitude: 51.5435958

Kommentar 5

  • Sai Sudarshan

    Sai Sudarshan


    This review provides a night view of the MIA Park and the view of the sea front overlooking West Bay and MIA Even on the hottest days, an evening walk is very soothing and pleasant. Plenty of trees. Vantage points. Well maintained park. Drinking water provision at many points.

  • Dilliram Bhandari

    Dilliram Bhandari


    MIA Park is another beautiful place for a perfect family outing. All decked up with beautiful palms tree and blue sea, it’s definitely on our list of favourite places. There are also stalls that sell over the weekends.

  • Aisha Fashion world Bridal

    Aisha Fashion world Bridal


    Love the park ideal for power walking,meet up,playdates and picnic. The playground very good kids.The park is available,clean toilets which essential when you have kids and coffee shop.

  • NIZAR 20051983

    NIZAR 20051983


    This is one of the best green parks with wide grass area and fresh air. Considering its location in the heart of Doha, just close to Museum of Islamic Arts along with being on the sea coast in comparison with Aspire Park for example, then it is definitely the best park in Doha. A very good family option with free access to various play area for kids, arranged to fit all children age ranges. Also, the MIA bazaar taking place every Friday and Sunday to taste various types of homemade food from different nationalities as well as handmade crafts, gifts, souvernirs...

  • Mariyam Hussain

    Mariyam Hussain


    This place is always gonna be my favorite place in Qatar. It's beautiful at night. Has good environment too. Love the view. Could spend hours just staring at the sunset ir sunrise from here ♥️

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